CRDSA is a humanitarian, non for profit, non-governmental and non-political organization established in 2002 that aimed to take active part in development process of Afghanistan. CRDSA is registered by the Ministry of Economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan with registration number of 167. Currently, CRDSA main office is in Herat and has five sub-offices in Badghis, Ghor, Farah, Nimroz and Uruzgan provinces.
Our Vision
A developed, poverty free and citizen-led Afghanistan where Afghans - both men and women - live a life with dignity.
Our Mission
CRDSA is a non-government Afghan civil society organization that aims to eliminate poverty, strengthen civil society, promote human rights and reintegrate effectively Afghan returnees/IDPs through providing sustainable livelihoods to poor and marginalized groups, civil society organizations’ capacity building and networking, implementing human rights awareness and responsiveness enhancement initiatives and undertaking assistance and protection activities for Afghan returnees and IDPs
- No discrimination
- Gender equity
- Accountability and transparency
- Pro-poor
- Empowering our beneficiaries
- Working with people for people
Sectors of Operation
According to organization's strategic plan for 2019-2023
CRDSA has obtained valuable experiences in its working sectors and the organization is considered as a professional entities in emergency response, WASH and protection. By consideration of the best practices and lessons learnt, CRDSA works in the 4 following sectors:
- Emergency response ( conflict and natural disasters), recovery and resilience building initiatives (Rehabilitation and reconstruction initiatives)
- Sustainable livelihood support
- Protecting human rights, women and children rights, GBV awareness and response
- Strengthening public services delivery , open society, open governance, government and national processes monitoring
Target Beneficiaries
CRDSA covers following beneficiary communities through providing services for people of concerns
- Internally displaced populations ( IDPs) ( conflict and natural disaster IDPs) and returnees from neighboring and other countries
- Host community members
- Civil society activities and community volunteers
- People with disabilities, minorities and other most vulnerable groups