Completed Projects





Completed Projects List in 2016

No Project Code Project Name Location Start Date End Date Duration Donor
1 MA017A1A-16 Improved Production Marketing & Protection of Livelihood Program Herat, Zinda Jan District 01/04/2016 31/12/2016 9 Months Christian Aids
2 UNHCRAFG010000000775 Protection monitoring/response, Community Mobilization & PSN Assistance to IDPs Farah and Badghis 01/01/2016 31/12/2016 12 Months UNHCR
3 MA138 Integrated Marketing Support Project Karukh District of Herat Province 30/06/2016 30/12/2016 6 Months Christian Aids
4 ACEP RCEG-16-02-03 Enhancing Sub-National CSO's and National Engagement Herat, Farah, Ghor and Nimruz Provinces 18/09/2016 31/12/2016 3.5 Months Counterpart International
5 UNHCRAFG-010000000792 Vocational Skill Training /Women Empowerment (SHGs) For Returnees Injil and Gozara District 01/05/2016 31/11/2016 7 Months UNHCR
6 S-PRMCO-15-CA-1231 Resilience Building of Afghan Returnees, IDPs and Host Families in Afghanistan Farah, Ghor and Badghis 16/09/2015 15/09/2016 1 Year BPRM
7 MA139 Improved Production Marketing & Protection of Livelihood Program Zinda Jan District, Herat Province 01/08/2015 31/07/2016 1 Year Christian Aids
8 MA017A1A-15-16 Community Right's, Mobilization and Response+Marketing Herat Province, Karukh District 01/12/2015 30/06/2016 7 Months Christian Aids
3 MA017A1A-15-16 Integrated Sesame Oil Production and Marketing Development Zinda Jan District, Herat Province 01/05/2015 30/04/2016 1 Year Christian Aids

Completed Projects List in 2015

No Project Code Project Name Location Start Date End Date Duration Donor
1 TAWRC1-055 Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Responsiveness Enhancement Program Herat and Badghis 16/10/2013 15/07/2015 21 months TAWANMANDI
2 AFG010000000724 IDP Assessment, protection and Humanitarian response, pre-positioning of NFIs, monitoring and verification Badghis and Farah 01/01/2015 31/12/2015 1 Year UNHCR
3 MA017A1A-15-16 Integrated Marketing Support Project Herat, Karukh District 01/05/2015 31/11/2015 7 Months CAID
4 AFG 01 0000000744 Vocational Skills Training for 80 Returnees Herat, Shahrak e Jebraeil 01/05/2015 31/10/2015 6 Months UNHCR
5 SPRMCO14CA1120 Resilience Building of Afghan Returnees, IDPs and Host Families in Afghanistan Farah, Ghor and Badghis 16/09/2014 15/09/2015 12 months BPRM
6 ACEP-ISPI-15-02-07 Institutional Strengthening and Program Implementation Farah & Badghis 01/03/2015 31/09/2015 7 Months Counterpart International
7 MA017A1A13-14 Improved Production Marketing & Protection of Livelihood Program Herat, Zinda Jan District 01/08/2014 31/07/2015 12 months Christian Aids
8 ACEP-ISIG-14-02-07 Institutional Strengthening and Implementation Grant Farah & Badghis 01/05/2014 31/01/2015 9 Months Counterpart International

Completed Projects List in 2014

No Project Code Project Name Location Start Date End Date Duration Donor
1 MA017A1A13 14 Integrated Marketing Support Project Herat, Karukh District 01/05/2014 31/12/2014 8 Months Christian Aids
2 AFG 01 0000000696 Saffron Production and Marketing Herat and Farah 16/07/2014 31/12/2014 5.5 Months UNHCR


Implementation of Shelter Herat and Farah 01/06/2014 31/12/2014 7 Months UNHCR


Afghan Returnees Integrated Livelihood & Protection Farah 16/09/2013 15/09/2014 12 months BPRM
5 ACEP CVE-14-01-07 Civic Education & Voter Education Grant Ghor and Badghis 15/02/2013 15/08/2014 6 Months Counterpart International
6 MA017A1A13-14 Improved Production Marketing Protection of Livelihood Program Herat, Zinda Jan District 01/08/2013 31/07/2014 12 Months Christian Aids
7 IPACS-CAE-14-01-02 Civic Education & Advocacy Grant Ghor 15/01/2014 25/03/2014 2.5 Months Counterpart International
8 MA017A1A 13-14 Community Right's, Mobilization and Response +Marketing in Karukh Herat, Karukh District 01/07/2013 31/03/2014 9 months Christian Aids

Completed Projects List in 2013

No Project Code Project Name Location Start Date End Date Duration Donor
1 IS 13 -02-10 Institutional Strengthening Grant Farah and Badghis 01/01/2013 15/11/2013 10.5 Months Counterpart International
2 WE13.01.03 Women Awareness Raising and Empowerment Grant Farah and Badghis 01/12/2012 31/10/2013 11 Months Counterpart International
3 MCBG 13-05-04 Media Capacity Building Grant Herat ,Farah and Badghis 01/05/2013 31/10/2013 6 Months Counterpart International
4 AFG 010000000602 Implementation of Livelihood Project Herat (Shagofan,Kahdistan,zangan) 14/04/2013 31/12/2013 8.5 Months UNHCR
5 CBSG13-04-02 Capacity Building Seed Grants Farah and Badghis 01/01/2013 30/06/2013 6 Months Counterpart International
6 MA11413 year 12-13 Community Right's Mobilization and Response + Marketing Herat, Karukh District 01/01/2013 30/06/2013 6 Months Christian Aids
7 MA017A1A12-13 Improved Production Marketing & Protection of Livelihood Herat, Zinda Jan District 01/08/2012 31/07/2013 1 Year Christian Aids

Completed Projects List in 2012

No Project Code Project Name Location Start Date End Date Duration Donor
1 MA017A1B2012 Increasing Food Security in Afghanistan Herat 01/01/2012 31/10/2012 10 Months CA/GD Trust
2 AFG 01 0000000488 Vocational Skill Training for IDPs Herat and Farah 01/01/2012 31/12/2012 1 Year UNHCR
3 IS 12-02-03 Initiative to Promote Afghan Civil Society Farah and Badghis 01/10/2011 30/09/2012 1 Year Counterpart International
4 CS 12-03-02 Capacity Building Seed Grants Farah and Badghis 01/05/2012 15/09/2012 4.5 Months Counterpart International
5 MOLSAMD/NSDP/03/1390/HRT Technical and Vocational Education Herat 01/01/2012 31/06/2012 6 Months NSDP/MOLSAMD
6 MA017A1A11-12 Improved Production Marketing Protection of Livelihood Program Herat, Zinda Jan District 01/08/2011 31/7/2012 1 Year Christian Aids
7 NCMG 12-04-03 NG Coordination and Mentoring Grant Farah and Badghis 01/05/2012 30/06/2012 2 Months Counterpart International
8 NGO 0200-2010-SAI Western Basins Water Resource Management Ghorian Zinda Jan, Enjil, Kohsan and Pashton Zarghon districts 22/09/2010 24/01/2012 16 Months Sheladia Inc