CAP ID Project

CAP ID Project

This project has been designed and structured based on concrete and reliable information gathered from the field, desk analysis, IPC and FEWS NET reports. The project will focus on the most vulnerable families including overcrowded families, women headed families, child headed families, PWDs, specific minorities and isolated groups in Herat province, the idea of the project has been primarily coordinated with stakeholders including line departments, district authorities and after the approval of the proposal, CRDSA will extensively coordinates with CDCs and target communities shoras. If applicable, CRDSA will engage the female members of CDCs in beneficiary selection and project successful implementation through mainstreaming gender in all project activities in Herat urban areas, but in provincial districts women will be encouraged to contribute in beneficiary selection and other project activities upon the possibility of women engagement according to cultural and tribal traditions and sensitivity. CRDSA staff members will disseminate the key protection messages such hygiene practices, child rights and GBV prevention during food and cash distribution process.

This project will target 655 families in Herat (4,585 people including 1,559 men, 1,498 women, 779boys, and 749 girls) through provision of CAP and CBT projects to contribute in SDG2 (end hunger) as the Afghanistan is committed to achieve it until 2030. In addition, this project will be implemented to assist most vulnerable Natural Disaster and Conflict affected families in accordance with WFP Country Strategic Plan 2017-2021 in Afghanistan.


Project Name


Start Date

End Date




Natural Disaster and IDPs

Herat Province



8 months